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      Thursday, June 23, 2011

      Airport Simulator

      Airport Simulator Organize and maintain an entire airport. Choose the best place for the airport, build the terminal, car parks and other enhancements. You manage the aircraft yourself -climb into the machine and drive it to the runway, drive the baggage to the shipment and operate the defroster. Think...

      Saint Adalbert of Prague (b. ca. 939–956–d. 997)

      Saint Adalbert of Prague (b. ca. 939–956–d. 997) Archbishop and missionary to PolandAlso known as: Apostle of the Prussians; Adelbert; Voitech, Voytiekh, Voytech, Wojtech; Apostle of Bohemia Christened Wojtech, Adalbert was born in Libice, Bohemia, to a princely family. The dates of his birth are placed...

      Saint Adalbald of Ostrevant (d. ca. 650–652)

      Saint Adalbald of Ostrevant (d. ca. 650–652) Also known as: Adalbald d’Ostrevant Adalbald of Ostrevant was born in Flanders to a noble family His mother or grandmother (sources differ) was St. Gertrude, founder of the monastery at Hamage.Adalbert served at the Merovingian court of King Dagobert I, great-great-grandson...


      FOREX TRADE INTRODUCTION There is one thing that most traders have in common: They have taken on the challenge of forecasting and trading the financial markets, of searching for those small islands of lucrative inefficiency in a vast sea of efficient market behavior.For one of the authors, Jeffrey Katz,...

      Download Mafia II (2010)

      Download Mafia II (2010) Vito Scaletta has started to make a name for himself on the streets of Empire Bay as someone who can be trusted to get a job done. Together with his buddy Joe, he is working to prove himself to the Mafia, quickly escalating up the family ladder with crimes of larger reward,...

      Download Apollo Simulator game

      Download Apollo Simulator game As a child you dreamed of being an astronaut, and surf the cosmos? Apollo Simulator realize your dreams! You will perform a variety of missions to land on the moon. Also, you can walk on the planet itself and explore using the latest equipmen...

      Air Conflicts Arcade / Flight

      Air Conflicts Arcade / Flight In a time of war, many are those whose story is never heard. In WWII the skies were, for the first time, a major battle-front. Many brave young people gave their lives, flying in tin cans filled with explosives and ammunition. This game is dedicated to the men and women...

      Monday, March 29, 2010

      World war one in the Balkans

      World war one in the BalkansAfter repelling three Austrian invasions during August-December 1914, Serbia fell to combined invasion by Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria, (the latter of which joined the Central Powers in September, 1915) in October 1915. The Serbian army...

      Italian participation: world war one

      Italian participation: world war oneItaly had been allied to the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires since 1882, but had its own designs against Austrian territory in the Trentino, Istria and Dalmatia, and maintained a secret 1902 understanding with France, effectively nullifying its alliance commitments....

      Ottoman Empire: world war one

      Ottoman Empire: world war oneThe Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in October–November 1914, due to the secret Turko-German Alliance signed in August 1914, threatening Russia's Caucasian territories and Britain's communications with India and the East via the Suez canal. The British Empire opened...

      Canada's greatest military victories: world war one

      Canada's greatest military victories: world war oneThroughout 1915-17, the British Empire and France suffered many more casualties than Germany, but both sides lost millions of soldiers to injury and disease. Around 800,000 soldiers from the British Empire were on the Western Front at any one time....

      War begins: world war one

      War begins: world war oneAdvances in military technology meant that defensive firepower out-weighed offensive capabilities, making the war particularly murderous, as tactics had failed to keep up. Barbed wire was a significant hindrance to massed infantry advances; artillery, now vastly more lethal...

      World war One: Hopes and fears

      World war One: Hopes and fearsIn 1914, the perception of war was romanticized by many people, and its declaration was met with great enthusiasm. The common view on both sides was that it would be a short war of manoeuvre, with a few sharp actions (to "teach the enemy a lesson") and would end with a...

      Haut-Rhin, France 1917 :world war one

      Haut-Rhin, France 1917 :world war oneThe Serbians occupied defensive positions against the Austrians. The first attack came on August 16, between parts of the 21st Austro–Hungarian division and parts of the Serbian Combined division. In harsh night-time fighting, the battle ebbed and flowed, until Stepa...

      About World War I

      About World War ISome of the first hostilities of the war occurred in Africa and in the Pacific Ocean, in the colonies and territories of the European powers. On August 1914 a combined French and British Empire force invaded the German protectorate of Togoland in West Africa. Shortly thereafter, on...

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